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I offer one-on-one sessions in-person in the Bay Area or on Zoom.


If you are looking for unorthodox and creative solutions to your stubborn issues, or simply need to be held accountable for what you need done in life, you are welcome to schedule a complimentary discovery session with me. And we can take it from there.​


As a Somatic Coach I work with all of your 5 bodies, physical (soma), mental, emotional, spiritual, and your energy body. I help you address your immediate and/or long term needs through seamless integration of the following types of sessions:


  • Somatic Integration for functioning at your best

  • Psycho-Emotional Healing for silencing your inner sabotages

  • Life Coaching for improving any/all aspects of your life

  • Relationship Mediation for loving, playing, & working together

  • Entrepreneur Consultation for launching your initiative

  • Manifestation Supervision from intent to fruition

  • Trans-Personal Guidance for answers to spiritual quests

  • Ceremony Facilitation for big life transitions

  • And more


Working with me you

  • get to the core of the matter quickly

  • clearly see and discern all your options

  • allow new possibilities to emerge

  • map out what needs to be done, from a place of choice and willingness

  • be inspired to do the work you choose to do

  • are more at ease with how things are going

  • walk out with skills you can use for manifesting and sustaining the result


During each session, I reflect back the essence of who you are. The light I shine on you not only brings your awareness to what you already have to deal with the matter at hand, and brings out the hidden sabotages you learn to silence. In the process, we also address external factors that you may not be able to change but can change your perspective on, thereby opening up newer possibilities. You walk out with new insights, tools, and strategies for action - in a better place to handle what you came in for. And more energetic competency.


I rely on my ability to be present, listen deeply, and allow the following fields of embodied knowledge guide me to work with you:


  • Eastern Philosophy and Yoga

  • Indigenous Shamanic Tools & Practices

  • Personal & Relational Energy Study

  • Co-Active Coaching Principles

  • Expressive Arts Techniques

  • SHINE - Working with Shadows for Healing

  • Sustainable Manifestation of Dreams

  • Communication Strategies

  • Energetic Behavioral Patterns

How we work together

I hold space, focus, information and tools relevant for you to resolve matters at hand. As a compassionate, unattached, and nonjudgmental witness, I reflect back what is true for you till you gain clarity on the core of the matter.


Once you are aware of what you are truly dealing with, we work together to allow new possibilities to emerge. We review the options, make choices and set intentions that feel right for you. We measure your capacity, competency, and resources at hand. We do the work needed (at times this includes healing work) to increase them.


Once prepared, inside and out, you acquire tools and strategies of being and doing that would allow manifestation of your intention to happen through the path of least resistance.


Essentially I provide individualized sessions where together we draw upon a wide range of modalities and work with a blend of energetic tools and traditional coaching practices best suited for you and your needs.


When we start working together we will address the matter at hand, through discussions, somatic exercises, creative activities, energetic practices, psycho-emotional healing, and intuitive guidance. I will draw upon and integrate relevant information, tools, and practices from all that I have studied, practiced and learned from my personal journey and professional experience. In the process you will learn ways you use your own energy, handle the energy of other people, protect yourself from energetic malfunctions life situations are throwing at you, and manifest your intentions. 


You can also register for one of my Classes if you to learn how to stay present and in charge of all of your facets, physical, emotional, mental, sexual, spiritual, and energetic. This energetic competency will help you handle challenging people and situations in any realm of your life and support you to manifest a more fulfilling life.


Having studied Relational Energy Work for over 8 years (and continuing), I offer couples counseling to those who are looking for innovative ways to improve their relationships and thrive in a fulfilling partnership.


My work has supported people in the following areas:


  • Healthy Relationships: In a healthy relation, but want to take it to the next level? This program can help you achieve greater closeness and intimacy.


  • Struggling Relationships: Struggling with conflict and/or a sense of disconnect in your relationship? This program can help you resolve conflicts and strengthen your connection with your partner.


  • Honeymooners: In the first glow of new love and want to build a healthy foundation? This program will help you address potential issues early on in your relationship and help prevent problems from developing and strengthen your connection.


  • Broken Relationships: Feeling hopeless and miserable?  Find a path towards happiness and fulfillment.


  • Dating: Still looking for that special someone? Prepare for a successful and fulfilling partnership by asking important questions and building a strong foundation with people you are dating.


  • Retired/Empty Nesters: Shifting to a new stage of your relationship? Rekindle your relationship with your spouse and find new ways to connect.




I am available for facilitating a variety of activities in a group whether is is for professional development, conflict resolution, or motivational speaking.

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